now it begins

our dvtv astrologer does not like what she sees during this time period - and she's particularly uneasy with the aspects leading up to – O SHIT - the 11th of September. (she feels New York will be spared this time, whatever that means. i think it means California or the heartland.)
as i sat down to write this, i learn that Gonzo is resigning. (the first victim of tomorrow’s lunar eclipse?) the smart money says Michael "The Gut" Chertoff to replace him.

also – this story has been kicking around for a while, but someone has such a strong "gut feeling" that they are betting a substantial amount of money ($1 billion to $4.5 billion depending on who's counting) on a stock market crash in the next few weeks:
"An anonymous investor has placed a bet on an index of Europe's top 50 stocks falling by a third by the end of September...
The mystery investor has bought put option contracts on the DJ Eurostoxx 50 index that will result in a profit if it plunges to 2,800 or below by the end of September. Based on the 2,800 strike price, the position covers a notional €6.9bn, and potentially even more using a market price of about 4,100 when the trades were done on Tuesday and Wednesday."
DowJones Financial News Online 16 August, 2007
what do he know that we don't?
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