Monday, August 27, 2007

now it begins

the next two weeks promise to be hot and heavy for me personally and for the rest of us as well.
our dvtv astrologer does not like what she sees during this time period - and she's particularly uneasy with the aspects leading up to – O SHIT - the 11th of September. (she feels New York will be spared this time, whatever that means. i think it means California or the heartland.)

as i sat down to write this, i learn that Gonzo is resigning. (the first victim of tomorrow’s lunar eclipse?) the smart money says Michael "The Gut" Chertoff to replace him.

also – this story has been kicking around for a while, but someone has such a strong "gut feeling" that they are betting a substantial amount of money ($1 billion to $4.5 billion depending on who's counting) on a stock market crash in the next few weeks:
"An anonymous investor has placed a bet on an index of Europe's top 50 stocks falling by a third by the end of September...
The mystery investor has bought put option contracts on the DJ Eurostoxx 50 index that will result in a profit if it plunges to 2,800 or below by the end of September. Based on the 2,800 strike price, the position covers a notional €6.9bn, and potentially even more using a market price of about 4,100 when the trades were done on Tuesday and Wednesday."
DowJones Financial News Online 16 August, 2007

what do he know that we don't?


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