Friday, July 22, 2011


its bad enough that the Bildergons all lie to us about September 11th and the moon landing and Michael Jackson being dead...but dude! what the organic hay is up with all these animal stories where they're using tools?

i mean last week whenever it was that fish that used the clam to scoop the ocean floor (ask Jeeves) and now the Beeb reports of a mandrill giving itself a pedicure.

i mean, c'mon, tool using used to be the line of demarcation between homo erectus and beastie (in the days before evolution and the wimmen voting thing). now every primate and primitive ocean dweller seems to qualify as a tool-using entity, or something. below you can see that mandrill qualifing.

(actually its just a video of a monkey poking his foot with a stick, which i guess crosses the line of demarcation. be sure to dump out before the monkey smells the stick.)

unholy if you ask me. does Mr. Michelle Bachmann know about this? if he can pray away unnatural gay, maybe his congregation can pray away the unholy of beastial tool usage. that is if he isn't too busy picketing dead soldier's funerals.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

RADIODV LIVE with Rich and Pamela 7.21.11

those phone-hacking, debt raising, bank-foreclosing, same-sex-marrying, drone bombing, pie-throwing...

hey, goddam - its hot!
don't venture out into that clammy soup out there -

plant yourself in front of the a/c (or the ice box) and
call up Rich and Pamela live on RADIODV tonight at 10pm.

available with an effortless click above.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

ROUNDTABLE: interview with Director/Producer of FARMAGEDDON

in our happy little bizzarro-world u-nited states each week, armed federal agents swarm onto family farms early in the morning and arrest people for the cultivation of contraband organic meat, dairy, and free range chickens.

don't believe me? video HERE.

longtime dvtv live producer Mark Ungar hosts his long-running ROUNDTABLE with the director of the documentary FARMAGEDDON, Kristin Canty, and two dairy farmers who faced down the muzzles of U.S.D.A. guns. this is the first of a two-part interview about a disturbing and un-american trend.


more info at

the documentary FARMAGEDDON is currently showing at Cinema Village, 12th Street and University .

Friday, July 08, 2011


Rupert Murdoch didn't become the media godfather by being stupid.

earlier today, he announced that the 168 year-old News of the World would cease publication sunday because of the UK hacking scandal.

... oh REALLY? he's killing the most widely-read English-language newspaper - out of SHAME?!?

no, a far more likely reason is revealed by Alison Frankel at Reuters:

According to British media law star Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent (whom The Times of London has dubbed “Mr Media”), Rupert Murdoch’s soon-to-be shuttered tabloid may not be obliged to retain documents that could be relevant to civil and criminal claims against the newspaper—even in cases that are already underway. That could mean that dozens of sports, media, and political celebrities who claim News of the World hacked into their telephone accounts won’t be able to find out exactly what the tabloid knew and how it got the information.

If News of the World is to be liquidated, Stephens told Reuters, it “is a stroke of genius—perhaps evil genius.”

Thursday, July 07, 2011


Saturday, July 02, 2011


not only did she fake the DNA evidence with her third-world voodoo, not only did she bruise her privates to frame an innocent billionaire but NOW that dreadnaught of journalistic integrity the New York Post reports - she was selling her pussy as well.
don't we have immigration laws in this country? shouldn't any immigrant who has the temerity to charge a white man with a crime be immediately deported to Afganistan and made to wear a burka? after all, this man of integrity was head of a bank that controlled like, three-quarters of the world economy, and just look at the fine job he's done in the past few years. it makes you wonder...


i have never owned a PC. never.

two decades ago i switched directly from Commodore Amiga computers to Macs because Macs were the only platform that gave me pro video capabilities. (in those dark days, pro video software - Avid, Premiere and Media 100 - could not even run on a PC.)

ten years later, Apple introduced Final Cut Pro. as an editor, i was really attracted to some innovative features that other programs did not have, and: it was cheaper and sexier than the others.

Apple developed FCP into a full featured production suite which satisfied most any professional need, and continued to innovate and expand the product line so that any serious editor using FCP would stick with it, and invest in Apple hardware as well.

so for the past decade, i have continued to buy upgrades and invest in "muscle car" Macs. my system cost about $11,000, the Final Cut Studio software was $1,300. practically every project i have edited for the past decade has been on FCP including a feature length documentary (which won several awards, thank you).

like many others, i have been waiting for the new FCP release for two years now. (i was ready to plunk down the cash for it this past paycheck.)
Apple blew it. the new FCP X is severely limited when compared to Final Cut Studio, and it cuts off many work flows which are standard operating procedure in this business. for instance, FCP X can't capture or output to tape without some third-party workarounds. (yes, i KNOW videotape is dead. try telling that to a client on a deadline who is waiting to deliver - get this - a finished HDCAM videotape.)

worse news is that FCP X is completely incompatible with any existing FCP project. if you started a project in FCP 7, FCP X won't open it. Apple has eliminated the EDL (edit decision list, an ancient but ubiquitous file format containing every in and out point of every edit on the timeline) or any ability to export files to Avid, or Pro Tools, etc.

for many people who edit weddings, for instance, FCP X will be great. if the project is imported and outputted on the same system, fine. but for anyone who has had to work with an audio house, or work with other editors or even other editing platforms (meaning almost all professional editors) FCP X STINKS.
the other limitations have been well documented here and here.

every other pro editor i have spoken to is now considering Avid, and wondering why we should pay a premium for Apple's hardware when PC platforms are so much cheaper.

i once worked for Panasonic selling pro gear to broadcast clients, and someone in the company gave me some perspective: "sure, Sony and Panasonic make a profit with the broadcast gear, but it is pennies compared to what they make with consumer gadgets". Apple gets this logic, and maybe they have decided that all the coding and development and third party integration just ain't worth it compared to the massive profitability from ipads and iphones.

Apple, it seems, is abandoning the professional and broadcast market, and after years of investing time, money, and infrastructure in Apple - we are PISSED. unless they fix this FAST - professionals will abandon Apple - forever.

PC's aren't sexy, but we got deadlines. jobless ain't sexy neither.

Friday, July 01, 2011


while the nation obsesses with the Kaylee Anthony trial, the gazillionaire who (allegedly) raped a hotel maid walks.

although the Manhattan D.A. says the case is still ongoing - at noon on a friday before a summer 3-day weekend - Dominique Strauss-Kahn is now free because of "credibility problems" with the victim - meaning his people got to her family - with cash.

the D.A. now has doubts because the victim, it seems, lied when she applied for asylum so she could enter the U.S.

Strauss-Kahn, the former head of the World Bank, was released on his own recognizance. despite the DNA evidence. hell, Strauss-Kahn himself admitted that he fucked this maid. the whole case hangs on whether this was consensual or not. (that is, until today.)

so who gives a flying...ok, i'll rephrase that, who cares that she lied when she was a penniless refugee? how many of our great-grandparents when huddled en masse on Ellis Island stretched the truth to enter the U.S? how many of America's so-called heroes lied about their age to join the military?

everyone, EVERYONE KNEW that this case would go up in smoke because a European man with so much money could never be held accountable for raping a lowly third-world immigrant hotel maid - because THIS IS AMERICA! OUR justice system just don't work that way!

enjoy your Independence Day weekend.

there's at least ONE FILTHY RICH EUROTRASH RAPIST who will.

U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!