Friday, March 25, 2011


lock him out!


so its not bad enough that a mere forty miles upstate sits Three Mile Indian Point, on the RAMAPO FAULT even; but now we learn that the oldest ol' nuke plant in the u-nited states is just 85 miles south of here, on the JERSEY SHORE, and its GE Mark I Boiling Water Reactor is IDENTICAL to those at Japan's FUKUSHIMA.

but this is JERSEY DAMMIT - we'll show those Japs.

in JERSEY, Fooj, we store FORTY YEARS worth of radioactive waste - RIGHT ON TOP OF THE REACTOR!

Oyster Creek has been dogged by problems including a corroding liner in the carbon steel containment unit; leaks that allow radioactive tritium to seep into drinking water; and huge volumes of stocked spent fuel rods.

"We have 40 years of radiation on site -- two-and-a-half to three times more than in Japan," anti-nuclear activist Jeff Brown told AFP.

oh, and the Jersey Shore, according to meteorologists, is long overdue - long they say - for a CATEGORY FIVE HURRICANE, when your local fire department will be dispached to Forked River, NJ on a SUICIDE MISSION to pump seawater onto the hot spent rods as they spew green gamma-ray fog.

clams, anyone?


Thursday, March 24, 2011

radiodv live broadcast 3.24.11

radiodv aired live, March 23, from 10pm - midnight.
click below for this episode of radiodv live.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

dvtv live broadcast 03.17.11: MELTDOWN

they’re looking at their geiger counters – and looking at plumes of smoke – and guessing how bad - guessing how dangerous it might be.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


so now that reactor # 2 is melting down, it is only a matter of time before those Godzilla eggs begin to stir.

since i already made a will, i would like to prove wrong those who claim that there has never been a deadly nuclear accident in the USA (#1!).

while there are surely some who will dispute this - the three men actually died of physical trauma, not radiation poisoning - this is to ignore the fact that THEY WERE BURIED IN LEAD COFFINS ENCASED IN CONCRETE except for the body parts that were SO RADIOACTIVE they had to be SEVERED FROM THE CORPSES AND BURIED IN THE DESERT AT A NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP. (unsure whether this last detail was mentioned in the film - what you actually expect me to WATCH this shit?!)

this film is from the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. yes, it is real. so now that the truth is out there, i will make peace with myself and the (glowing) world and prepare for the end.
(i have it on no less an authority than 50 Cent).


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Thursday, March 03, 2011

dvtv live broadcast 03.03.11: OUT OF CONTROL

the United States is not number one in education – its not even close. the USA is ranked number thirty in math skills – behind Lichenstien – Slovenia – and the Slovack Republic. our students are rated only twenty-first in science skills – fourteenth in reading skills.
there’s a reason for this.
that’s the glaring contradiction in this country about how much lip service is paid to education – and how little is actually paid to educators. there are no teachers in this country who chose their vocation based on money - because everybody knows that teachers get paid shit.
but its only our children and the future at risk.
and speaking of at risk –what about Charlie Sheen’s kids...


we at dvtv live wouldn't want any of our reader/viewers to be too disappointed with the paucity of youtubes from Libya (especially with that civil war thing going on there) so now we proudly present some video we embedded from Al Jazeera (say, Hillary said today that we should all watch Al Jazeera! good on you, girl!) that gives a pretty good idea of what to expect, as well as some nifty crane shots of Godaffi (Khaddafi? Ghadaffy?) in full military drag. what to expect that is until the state department installs democracy in their oil fields.
when i say "installs democracy", think of an absurdly large dildo made of, like, lead.
"installs democracy".