rabbit to be pulled from hat?

i'm not one for polls, but this one has some rare good news for Bill Thompson.
first of all, after spending tens of millions, the incumbent mayor barely breaks the halfway mark - the poll has him at only 51%. this percentage is consistent with other polls taken this month - not good for a two-term incumbent with a bottomless purse.
then there's a mere 8 points between them: Thompson gets 43%. Thompson numbers are strongest in the Bronx and Brooklyn, strongest with voters under 34, and of course with African-American voters.
so, is this the fire under Thompson's derrière that many of us have been waiting for? perhaps. Bloom and Thompson have a debate a week from tonight. neither of them are particularly good debaters, but expect Thompson to be on the attack. (he could use a big stick, a fire in his belly, a fire under his ass...)
a more ground-shifting debate would see a visibly pissed Bloomberg.
his arrogance is his greatest liability at this point.
meanwhile, back at the media mill, Thompson today released his latest ad, which targets the city's dwindling middle class. (you tell me if this is a ground-shifting statement.)
++sorry video deleted++
as i'm writing this, i have just heard the NY State Dem Chairman Jay Jacobs, when asked about the tepid support NY Dems have for Thompson, declare "this won't be a problem" a week from now. even if he's right, this will only give Thompson what is usually a given.
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