Tuesday, October 31, 2006

postus interruptus

my posts have been very sporadic of late. life, you know, happens.
(meanwhile, look into the fine comments contained on some of the sites you see listed to the right side of this page.)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

two wheeled societal menaces

missed this on thurs: the nypd is again pushing for limits to the constitution.

since you probably missed this as well, here's the entire nytimes article of 104 words:

"After recent court rulings found the Police Department’s parade regulations too vague, the department is moving to require parade permits for groups of 10 or more bicyclists or pedestrians who plan to travel more than two city blocks without complying with traffic laws. It is also pushing to require permits for groups of 30 or more bicyclists or pedestrians who obey traffic laws. The new rules are expected to be unveiled in a public notice today. The department will discuss them at a hearing on Nov. 27. Norman Siegel, a lawyer whose clients include bicyclists, said the new rules “raise serious civil liberties issues."

of course, this rule would likely be used against critical mass and thier monthly rides, which have long been the target of nypd abuse (and all-time record mass arrests during the repug convention in 2004).

in a comment on streetsblog, J:Lai notes:

The proposed restrictions are a “back pocket” regulation which, I predict, will be enforced very selectively by the police dept...I think it is unlikely that it will be enforced to require school teachers to get parade permits when taking their classes outside, but very likely that it will be used to require groups like critical mass, or other forms of “protest” that the NYPD find politically objectionable, to go through the permit process or risk arrest.

what i did catch on thursday was mnn's own i.t. whiz Jacob Redding on Channel 2 News, getting assaulted by one Lt. Daniel Albano during a Critical mass ride in august. Albano, who is a lawyer (!) knocks Jacobs video camera out of his hand as he is being stopped for the dangerous crime of riding his bicycle.

the Channel 2 News report by Eileen Clancy not only raises questions about police harrasment of a peaceful demonstration by cooperative citizens, but also explores
"a troubling pattern of behavior: Cops threatening citizens with arrest and confiscating cameras, especially over the last eight months."

see the report and read a transcript of the report at onNYturf.com.

oh, and the public hearing is scheduled to be all-but invisible: november 27th is the day after thanksgiving.

vote g.o.p. or DIE

like wounded animals, the repugs are desperate. in this ad to appear nationally starting tomorrow, the clock is ticking...

i'm dvtv rich, and i do not approve of this ad.

vote g.o.p. or DIE II

from Bring it On!, happy halloween:

Monday, October 16, 2006

early and often

i will be hosting mnn's VlogTV on live on election day, tuesday, november 7th, 2006
from 6pm - 7pm, est. (Channel 34 in manhattan, and mnn.org online.)
expect trouble.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

too stupid to live

our student pilot yankee pitcher and his flight instructor were morons.

but so are the brainiacs at the faa (who determined before sept.11 that a commercial airline cockpit should not be as protected as a motorman's door on a subway train).

from wcbs-tv:

"The only no fly zones recognized by the FAA, sources said, are airspace over Washington, D.C., the Disney theme parks in California and Florida, and sports stadiums during on going events."

so disneyland and yankee stadium are protected, but manhattan - no. its only the financial capital of the country, the planet, and where millions of people live and work.

like me.

and get this from the ny times:

"The northern end of the airspace over the East River is a treacherous, narrow corridor often filled with helicopters ferrying tourists, business people and traffic reporters along the edge of Manhattan. Small planes...are allowed to fly through the area at low altitude, but several pilots said they did not dare because it could be crowded.
"The spot where Mr. Lidle’s plane...struck the apartment building on the Upper East Side is near the end of the “uncontrolled” corridor at the edge of the airspace governed by La Guardia Airport. Inside that corridor, small planes and helicopters can fly below 1,100 feet without getting clearance from air-traffic controllers...they assume responsibility for watching out for other aircraft and structures and avoiding them."

i'm glad i live in a walk-up.

@#$&*% sorry

i seem to be using lots of profanity in my posts. i apologize. i only post when i get excited about something.
Golly it's late!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

iran war: in the stars?

more perspective: talking to astrologer Christine Rakela (not the astrologer we usually quote; Christene does a live program on mnn alternate tuesdays, 8:30pm e.s.t. channel 67, can also be seen at that time online at mnn.org).

i asked about the cosmic conditions leading up to the election - specifically about the possibility of a third war.

“the planets seem very heavy” in the next four months, she said, and told me she reads Nostradamus. she is concerned about one of his quatrains which indicates a middle east conflict spreading to europe and that the pope would have to flee italy under fire.

in short: i was hoping that she would tell me i was wrong about a third war with iran.

she didn’t.

but not yet safe

i just heard a british reporter ask mayor bloomberg if he had any safety or security concerns about a small plane flying over manhattan.

he said no, that tourist and sightseeing planes fly all the time over manhattan.

- - WHA!?!?

long before september 11th, the airspace over manhattan was considered "restricted" - and a pilot related to me in 1994 that he needed "special permission" to fly his mall plane over our island for chartered film and photography flights, which is what he did for a living. (i used to have his footage in my cable show opening.)

remember all we heard about anthrax and other poisons that could be spread from a small plane?

we still don't know if it was a yankee pitcher at the controls, but apperantly (this was confirmed by bloomberg) there was a flight instructor on board.

what the fuck was a practice flight doing over manhattan?!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

suprising non-surprise-surprise!

Dave Lindorff has a sobering read at This Can’t Be Happening!
Lindorff, who reported in The Nation last month that the nuke-powered aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower would be heading for the Persian Gulf for the anticipated Iran War (it sailed last Monday with “its accompanying strike force of cruiser, destroyer and attack submarine[s]”), makes the case that this is indeed the October surprise “with a resulting skyrocketing of global oil prices, the real goal of this new war by the U.S. would be ensuring Republican control of the House and Senate.”

"What is deeply troubling here is the total silence on the part of the Democratic Party opposition. Not one Democrat in Congress, and as far as I know, not one Democratic candidate for Congress--not even anti-war insurgent Ned Lamont in Connecticut, has demanded an answer from Bush and the Pentagon for the obvious military buildup around Iran, or about published reports that the U.S. already has special forces in side Iran backing the terrorist organization MEK, and selecting targets for U.S. bombardment."

What makes this even more disturbing is that, although anyone with two brain cells has seen this exact scenario coming for many moons, there is a near TOTAL media blackout on this subject.
Iraq and Afganistan continue to invent new circles of hell to descend into.
Yet, all news channels continue to yammer on about Foley and how the Dems will conquer both houses of Congress in four weeks. (Oh yeah, and sanctions.)
SO, now that you’ve heard all the salacious details, read the dirty emails, heard the speaker’s lame excuses and seen him hung out to dry and had a good, hearty laugh:
W A K E U P !!!
Georrge is starting a THIRD, MORE DISASTEROUS WAR and nobody is taking any bloody notice.
Even Speaker Pelosi and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rangel ain’t gonna be able to do shit about it come January.
Have a lovely day.

Monday, October 09, 2006

take a walk on the wild side

john winston lennon would have been 66 today. he had a sick sense of humor, and i can only imagine he would have appreciated this twisted and blasphemous mash-up

call me irresponsible

n. korean nukes, school shootings, tainted lettuce, beef, carrot juice, spinach, foley… anybody care to engage in some irresponsible speculation that any of the above are engineered to keep iraq off the front page?
meanwhile, georrge is , reportedly pissed!
now, now , my lovlies, it’s unbecoming to gloat.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

paranoia strikes deep

so, the repugs are scraping the muck-caked bottom of the popularity well, everybody predicts hastert will go down either in the next 24 hours or by january, and i 'm not the only one wondering:

what NEXT?!? what in GODZ name could they be setting us up for?!

if we write off the possibility of another 'terror' attack on a major american city ("nawwwwww, they could NEVER get away with that..." ) then, the most likely scenario for the oct. suprise: iran.

  • the Nation reports:
    "The Nation has learned that the Bush Administration and the Pentagon have moved up the deployment of a major "strike group" of ships, including the nuclear aircraft carrier Eisenhower as well as a cruiser, destroyer, frigate, submarine escort and supply ship, to head for the Persian Gulf, just off Iran's western coast. This information follows a report in the current issue of Time magazine, both online and in print, that a group of ships capable of mining harbors has received orders to be ready to sail for the Persian Gulf by October 1."

    what to do?

  • bloggingstocks advises:
    "How can you profit from the October surprise? Well, buying oil company stocks is one way. ExxonMobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM), ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP), BP plc (NYSE ADR: BP), and Petroleos Brasileiro (NYSE ADR: PBR) are a few that come to mind. And with oil prices below $59, the price of a barrel of oil would climb along with these stocks on news of the Iran invasion.
    Had enough? Vote in November. And in the meantime, profit."

    oooooohhhhhh, it's the SUSPENSE that kills me.

    (thanks to the UNHOLY for the tip!)
  • Tuesday, October 03, 2006

    all 2,556 news articles »

    what occurs too me as this story went from
    dismissed -
    "over-friendly emails" - tony snow, saturday
    to nuclear -
    "House Speaker Dennis Hastert must do the only right thing, and resign his speakership at once"
    WaTi op-ed, today
    is that hastert didn't suffer a lapse of judgement in this matter; in fact, i believe he probably didn't remember hearing this last year.
    like alter boys and catholic priests, this has been going on forever, TOLERATED and ACCEPTED. yeah, foley's chasing some young page, big fucking news, get me a bourbon.
    (probably the roman and greek senators slept with their pages as well.)
    being a member of congress carries many privileges.
    if a congressional page has a sweet ass, he or she could be considered a perk.

    anyway; couldn't have happened to a nicer political party.


    below mentioned "speaker hastert’s third in line for the presidency..."
    o.k., so bush and cheney suffer simultaneous fatal heart attacks AND the speaker of the house is for some reason unable to serve as president; THEN...

    Sunday, October 01, 2006

    sex crime nixonian! 1984



    a) hastert’s known about mark foley's instant messaging adventures since last year


    b) hastert’s called for an investigation of it

    "what did i know...and when did i know it?" - positively nixonian!

    speaker hastert’s third in line for the presidency, isn’t he?
    (if bush and cheney…)
    seems like a steady lineage.

    oh, and expect foley to relocate to bahhrain.
    (he's not a jehova's witness, is he?)

    MV: sex crime (1984)

    all 5,114 news articles » »