Friday, August 31, 2007

dvtv live broadcast 8.30.07

Bush is shedding top aides - like ballast.

i don’t care how many top aides resign, i don’t care how he reframes the current wars or how he palns to start a new one, i don’t care how many troops he pulls out, i don’t care if he captures Osama Bin Laden and puts his head on a stake on the White House Lawn, i don’t care if Bush tackles Cheney and takes a difribulator to his testicles, i say throw the lying bastards out – impeach them both – they deserve nothing less than to be humiliated, hogtied, stripped naked, tarred and feathered and then put on trial. impeach these deranged psychpaths before they start World War III.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

now it begins

the next two weeks promise to be hot and heavy for me personally and for the rest of us as well.
our dvtv astrologer does not like what she sees during this time period - and she's particularly uneasy with the aspects leading up to – O SHIT - the 11th of September. (she feels New York will be spared this time, whatever that means. i think it means California or the heartland.)

as i sat down to write this, i learn that Gonzo is resigning. (the first victim of tomorrow’s lunar eclipse?) the smart money says Michael "The Gut" Chertoff to replace him.

also – this story has been kicking around for a while, but someone has such a strong "gut feeling" that they are betting a substantial amount of money ($1 billion to $4.5 billion depending on who's counting) on a stock market crash in the next few weeks:
"An anonymous investor has placed a bet on an index of Europe's top 50 stocks falling by a third by the end of September...
The mystery investor has bought put option contracts on the DJ Eurostoxx 50 index that will result in a profit if it plunges to 2,800 or below by the end of September. Based on the 2,800 strike price, the position covers a notional €6.9bn, and potentially even more using a market price of about 4,100 when the trades were done on Tuesday and Wednesday."
DowJones Financial News Online 16 August, 2007

what do he know that we don't?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

dvtv live broadcast 8.23.07: "less lofty and ambitious goals"

you will be pleased to know that this whole Iraq war thing is being reconsidered. a new assessment of this costly and bloody war is looming. it is time apperantly to rethink the whole premise of bringing democracy to the Mideast, starting with Saddam. the powers that be concede that perhaps this was a stretch.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

checklist v.2

below, we related an incredibly prescient Dick Cheney listing all the reasons that Iraq was (is) a bad idea.
today, georrge makes an incredibly clumsy parallel between Iraq and Vietnam.
here's georrge in his own words, reciting what should have been his checklist.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

dvtv live broadcast 8.16.07 : Iran?

if above gives you trouble click here
full screen options click here

ITEM: last Thursday president Bush warned Iran that there would be ‘consequences’ for their support of Shiite Muslim groups in Iraq, and ‘consequences’ for their nuclear program. the president did not elaborate as to what the ‘consequences’ might be.
ITEM: Vice President Cheney repeatedly calls for a military strike against the Iranian Quds force. when asked by Larry King on July 31st about an “overt move on Iran”, Cheney smiled and refused to about what he termed as “prospective operations”
ITEM: the White House and State Department move to brand the Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as a foreign terrorist organization, the first time the United States has ever listed the armed forces of any sovereign government as such. a State Department spokesperson referred to “confronting Iran on a number of different battlefields”. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been telling European allies that the U.S. may have no choice but to take unilateral action against Iran.
ITEM: when Karl Rove resigned on Monday, “he said he decided to leave after White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten told senior aides that if they stayed past Labor Day they would be obliged to remain through the end of the President's term in January 2009.” (The Wall Street Journal, 7/13/07)
no resignations after Labor Day…
what could they be up to?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

a freakin' checklist

appearantly from CSPAN, grandtheftcountry has posted this from Cheney giving every reason why Iraq was such a disasterous idea - only he says this in 1994! jheeeeeez!?#@

Monday, August 06, 2007

of course he knew...

i'm a little late on this but it was six years ago today. here's the pic of Harriet Miers handing Georrge the personal daily briefing (PDP) memo titled: “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US.”
logo courtesy Tengrain

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Friday, August 03, 2007

dvtv live broadcast 8.02.07