dvtv live broadcast 8.30.07
i don’t care how many top aides resign, i don’t care how he reframes the current wars or how he palns to start a new one, i don’t care how many troops he pulls out, i don’t care if he captures Osama Bin Laden and puts his head on a stake on the White House Lawn, i don’t care if Bush tackles Cheney and takes a difribulator to his testicles, i say throw the lying bastards out – impeach them both – they deserve nothing less than to be humiliated, hogtied, stripped naked, tarred and feathered and then put on trial. impeach these deranged psychpaths before they start World War III.
Labels: 1984, bush, cheney, dvtv, iraq, mnn, mnnnyc, richard, speziale, stream, war