Wednesday, April 27, 2011


OK, forget about the former Wrestlemania head who just saved the world from "the Blacks".
here's some actual news, and it is local AND racist in nature.
this map represents the police precincts in NYC where the highest number of illegal stop-and- frisk pot arrests occur. hmmmmm, Harlem and Brooklyn...who lives there...?
this map also represents a concept we call "what everybody instinctively knew from the beginning is now confirmed by an interactive Google map".
More than 50,000 people were arrested in the city for misdemeanor marijuana possession last year – the highest in a decade. And a substantial number of these arrests take place in the police precincts where the most stop-and-frisks occur, which are predominately black and Latino neighborhoods.
the citizens of Gotham are eternally grateful for this fine work by the NYPD which will spare us from the scourge of pot-crazed Mexicans and coloreds.
read the whole report at WNYC.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

dvtv live broadcast 04.07.11: PROSPERITY SHUTDOWN

...predicated by the truly American notion – that we will all be more prosperous if we just let the very rich have more money.

all of our economic problems would go away if we just let the fattest of the fatcats – get fatter.

we will be whistling down that Road To Prosperity if we just collected less taxes from the largest, richest corporations.

i paid more taxes last month than G.E. and Exxon Mobile combined. so did you. feel any more – prosperous? along this Road To Prosperity please watch out for the hordes of sick – bankrupt- and homeless seniors. that’s right – eliminating Medicare will bankrupt many if not most seniors – and bankrupt many of their families who get stuck with hospital bills - because fifteen-thousand a year don’t buy much insurance if you’re seventy – eighty – ninety-something-years-old.

you think the homeless situation is bad now? just wait until Medicare goes away – the road to prosperity will be littered with seventy – eighty – ninety-year-olds with their canes and walkers and wheelchairs and oxygen tanks and colostomy bags. don’t worry though. if you’re super-rich – the plan will cut all your taxes so you can buy a hovercraft.

this plan also seeks to slash Medicaid as well. the poor – people with disabilities – and millions of children with no guarantee of health care. where do you think they are going to end up?

you see - the Road To Prosperity requires a few sacrifices – yours.

Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, Governor Scotty-Boy Walker all tell us with a straight face that this is about the economy – this is about the budget.

excuse my French but why the fuck didn’t they do something about the economy during the eight years they had the majority and the white house? why didn’t they do something about the debt when they were busy driving it up?

remember – when Bush first took office the was a surplus – no debt.

when Scotty Boy Walker took office in January – there was a one-hundred sixty-million dollar surplus in Wisconson.

what did he do? he gave it away to big business. oh look – now there’s a debt!

damn teacher’s union – we should outlaw them!

Monday, April 04, 2011


in desperation, workers at Fukushima tried to plug an eight-inch crack gushing radioactive water with...newspaper and sawdust. didn't work.
this morning, TEPCO announced that they would dump 11,500 tons (tonnes) of radioactive water in the Pacific Ocean. this is all the water they have been pouring on the reactors to keep them cool - think of it as a radioactive spray.
they need to do this because more room is needed in the storage tanks for MORE HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE WATER leaking from the plant.
out of control and getting worse.
from Physicians for Social Responsibility:
According to the National Academy of Sciences, there are no safe doses of radiation. Decades of research show clearly that any dose of radiation increases an individual’s risk for the development of cancer.
“There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period,” said Jeff Patterson, DO, immediate past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Exposure to radionuclides, such as iodine-131 and cesium-137, increases the incidence of cancer. For this reason, every effort must be taken to minimize the radionuclide content in food and water.”

Saturday, April 02, 2011


this video shows Greenpeace members taking measurements OUTSIDE the exclusion zone at the Fukushima Prefecture.
while this is not a terribly exciting video (kind of eerie, actually) stay with it to see the instruments max out 40 kilometers away from the melting nukes.
while you are watching, imagine this is New Jersey.
or - just 40 miles north of Manhattan.
"...we must focus on expanding cleaner sources of electricity, including...clean coal, natural gas, and nuclear power..."
President Barak Obama, March 30, 2011

Japon : l'équipe de Greenpeace effectue des... by gpfrance