dvtv live broadcast 11.17.11: NO SELLOUT
"...Long before New York became the financial capitol of the world, New York was the staging ground for world-famous, world-class public protests.
There's been demonstrations going on in Manhattan since the nineteenth century. Like any other public event - accommodations must be made for the masses of people who attend these public demonstrations.
This simple fact of life-in-the-big-city seems to be somehow lost on the current city administration. Over the years the Bloomberg administration's response to mass demonstrations: unwarranted surveillance, harassment, impediment, random arrests, mass arrests, random violence, pepper spray and ear-pain-guns.
When a city and a police department refuse to make accommodations for a mass public event - things happen - like pepper spraying women for holding a sign -- or unknown liquids getting thrown on cops. The absolute insistence that all demonstrations take place on a small part of the sidewalk - and the absurd notion that no one can be inconvenienced by a demonstration - results in scuffles over barricades and arrests for blocking traffic and endless lawsuits and injuries to both cops and passers-by.
Then there are more deliberate forms if civil disobedience - like the ninety-nine union members - who sat down in the middle of chambers street earlier this evening -- in front of many news cameras police-on their-best-behavior immediately arrested those ninety-nine union members. Among those ninety-nine - not an accidental number -- City Council member Jumaane Williams of Brooklyn.
About those ear pain guns -- lets run the slideshow -- downtown earlier today - this is the LRAD high-pitched sound blaster designed to deter pirate boats and terrorists at least a quarter mile away -- its called a distance-hailing-and-crowd-control-device, originally developed to warn incoming vessels approaching without permission. The LRAD 100X can be cranked up to an incredible 172 decibels. Human hearing is immediately damaged at 140 decibels.
Here is a picture that needs to be seen more -- this is eighty-four-year-old Dorli Rainey. She's a retired school teacher pepper sprayed over the weekend at occupy Seattle -- this is the result of an increasingly militarized police culture in the United States and a militarized culture needs an enemy to fight -- that enemy is the public.
The police were once considered part of the community -- now its an occupying army.
From Warsaw, one clever activist outfoxed the riot police - this video from latajacakamera on YouTube -- this is a flying drone, a Polish-built Robokopter -- police don't even seem to notice it. But if used here it would be dubbed a terror device.
Just like Bloomberg did today at an afternoon press conference where he described metal-tube like devices protesters planned to use to chain themselves to the doors of the stock exchange. This was the best you could come up with? Metal tubes? No dirty bombs or anti-capitalism nerve gas?"